My Sewing Projects for Fall

So this weekend we had the first day of fall and if I had to pick a favorite season, it would be fall. Why fall? Fall is full of celebrations: my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving. It gets dark sooner which means I can turn on my cozy lights, light a candle and – if I get around to clean it – I can even have a fire in our fireplace. Oh, and all the fall cooking: butternut squash soup and pumpkin bread and roasted brussels sprouts… Yes, fall is great.

I am also planning a lot of sewing projects for fall and I wanted to share my favorite pins with you: (Please note that the following pictures are all from Pinterest unless otherwise noted.)

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This sweater. Doesn’t it look like the perfect fall sweater? It looks so comfy. I can already see myself snuggled up with that oversized cowl, sipping on some tea (or mulled wine) and enjoying a fall sunset.

I think I have already found a fabric I like and on this blog post there is a step-by-step tutorial on how to recreate that look. Now I need some big buttons and I should be ready for my very own super cozy cowl tulip sweater.


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Next up is this sweater. You know what this sweater will go well with? Leggings. And if you know one thing about me, then you know I like leggings. A lot. I’m thinking of making this sweater tunic length and or maybe even mini dress length. I bought this pattern last year and made one version. I used thin sweater knit so it is not as cozy as I want it to be so I will try again. And this time I will make it slightly oversized for extra sweater snuggles.

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Also on my list for this fall is a Halloween costume for my dog. My dog looks nothing like the dog on this picture. My dog is rather big (around 75 pounds) and black. She doesn’t love costumes but I’m sure she will appreciate me sewing her a costume. I like the mermaid tail idea. I could make it all girly with sequins and glitter. I will have to do some more intense internet research for dog costume patterns as those are not as easy to find as human sewing patterns.


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I will also need lounge pants. Super cozy comfy lounge pants that I can wear while I watch scary Halloween movies and Google for more fall sewing patterns. Lounge pants are great because there are not pajama pants but bring the same kind of joy and comfort. And since there are not pajama pants you can wear them wherever you go. Win-win.


Those are the items I have on my list so far. What do you think? What is on your to-do list? Maybe there is something on your list that is missing on mine.

19 thoughts on “My Sewing Projects for Fall

  1. I‘m very sure your dog will apprechiate a mermaid costume – but what about the cat? Maybe your can find a nice couples costume idea for both?
    For me sewing in autumn always means using Cord/Corduroy. 🤗


  2. That second sweater looks SO cozy!!! And you had me at “dog costume”. I absolutely love dressed up dogs, they look so cute!! Lol. Good luck with your fall projects, they look like so much fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s awesome you can sew! Maybe you can add a fun fall color hat? I love those knit hats that girls wear in the winter/fall – I have like 5 of them! My fall to-do list was completed yesterday when we decorated our front porch.

    Liked by 1 person

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